Discover Life-Changing Quotes from the Headway App

Discover Life-Changing Quotes from the Headway App

On this page, you’ll find inspiring quotes from powerful books featured in the Headway app. These bite-sized insights are perfect for sparking motivation, encouraging personal growth, and helping you overcome life’s challenges.

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Biohack your brain: Kristen Willeumier, PhD.

"It's never too late to begin caring about your brain."

"Never underestimate your abilities: your brain has more neuron connections than stars in the milky way"

"Your brain's ability to produce new cells isn't affected by age"

"Our thoughts shape our emotions - and emotions drive our decisions"

"Negative thoughts are natural; it's focusing on them that causes problems"

"List products you usually use and what they contain; deduce what nutrients your diet lacks"

"The best way to ensure a healthy microbiome is by prioritizing plant-based foods"

"Choose enjoyable physical activity; otherwise, stress may undermine the benefits of movement"

Unlimited Memory: Kevin Horsley

"The human brain is capable of remarkable things thanks to memory and learning"

"When you focus on your limitations, they will have overbearing power over your life"

"Giving up your excuses, judgements and complaints will boost your memory, enhance concentration, and accelerate the learning process"

"The mind is the only limit you've got - when you know you can do it, you can"

"Concentration requires practice - conscious daily choices can build this skill"

"Make learning fun! The more you imagine the more you will learn"

"Your mind is an unstoppable association machine"

"Remember that a person's name is to that a person the sweetest and most important sound in any language" (Dale Carnegie)

"Self-discipline is not self-deprivation, but setting a high-quality standard for yourself and achieving it"

"Reviewing keeps the information awake in your mind and enables you to be able to connect new information with existing knowledge"




12 Months to $1 Million: Ryan Daniel Moran

"All successful entrepreneurs are risk-takers who refuse to settle for less until they achieve their lofty dreams"

"Successful businesses are built through branding, not quick sales on merchant sites you don't have control over"

"You can't really be happy unless you're doing something that benefits other people"


"Contract manufacturing saves costs and helps you make maximum profits"

"It's hard to find things that won't sell online" (Jeff Bezos)

"Use engaging content to attract a highly targeted and qualified audience to your online presence, then sell your products to them"

"Avoid the trap of constantly innovating; instead, provide what your customers are already seeking"

"Money is an amplifier, not a change agent; it doesn't turn bad ideas into good ones"

"Deciding what to sell is the most important part of the business process"



Nine Lies About Work: Marcus Buckingham & Ashley Goodall

"Tools, systems, and methods employed to estimate our work ignore the most valuable resource we possess: our uniqueness"

"When people choose not to work somewhere or quit, it's primarily because of a team"

"Each team member provides significant intelligence that will help coordinate the work of the team"

"Goals are companions that guide our thoughts and actions"

"The best companies don't cascade goals; they cascade meaning"

"The best team leaders realize that each person's strengths suggest the most incredible  learning and growth opportunities"

"One of the inconvenient truths about humans is that we have poor theories of others, and these theories lead us, among other things, to design our working world to remedy or to insulate against failings that we see in others but don't see in ourselves"

"Talent reviews are a selective mechanism that supports only the best employees"

"Potential is a one-sided evaluation. Momentum is an ongoing conversation"

"Your "I" unfolds in the flux of life situations, but none of them defines you. Only you decide who to be"

"Balance as an ideal erases our humanity - the essence of who each of us is and inspires to be - and replaces it with a Sisyphean coping strategy"

"Eudaimonia is a Greek word that roughly translates as "the fullest and purest expression of you in your most elevated state""

"We choose leaders who shares our values and have the power to transmit them to the world"

"Traits are inherent in a person, whereas states pass"

"The well rounded high performer is a creature of the theory world. In the real world, each high performer is unique and distinct, and excels precisely because that person has understood his or her uniqueness and cultivated it intelligently"



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Anxiety at work: Adrian Gostick & Chester Elton

"Whether anxiety comes from the growing discontent at workplace practices or the mind, one thing is certain: it should not be taken with levity"

"Anxiety increases our risk of self-doubt, especially when we work in places where we are a minority"

"Assigning the appropriate people to the right responsibilities helps overcome uncertainty in teams"

"Adequate resources help employees pay more attention to a task and get it done successfully"

"A technique for overcoming perfectionism is replacing self-critical beliefs with more realistic and beneficial statements that reward positive behaviour"

"You can't calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass" (Timber Hawkeye)

"Workers need frequent, personalized praise to stay on track since people realize their full potential better when encouraged"

Not Nice: Dr. Aziz Gazipura

"Being nice often entails putting up a dishonest front, so you don't hurt people's feelings"

"Being nice does not come out of goodness or high morals. it comes out of a fear of displeasing others and receiving their disapproval. It's driven by fear, not virtue"

"There isn't any real punishment if you stop trying so hard to please everybody"

"To appear nice, we shelf our true selves and try to adopt an identity that pleases everyone"

"The "nicer" you are, the more uncomfortable and inadequate you feel"

"I'm going to face whatever discomfort I need to face, learn whatever it is I need to learn, do whatever it takes to feel more confident, powerful and capable"

"Putting yourself first might seem selfish, but you deserve premium treatment"

"Saying no to things that will ultimately inconvenience you is part of self-development"

"When you choose to do what is best for you, you will see a newer version of yourself shine through"


How To Make Sh*t Happen: Sean Whalen

"Life can be very difficult for you if you allow chaos to rule you. Chaos brings nothing but disorder, negative results and a terrible outcome"

"The body is your power because the better you treat your body, the clearer your mind becomes"

"There's a limit to the level of control you have over other people, but there's no limit to how much you can control yourself"

"Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life" (Mark Twain)

"Meditate daily and devote considerable time to studying. Daily studying and meditation help you to relax and concentrate well on many things"

"Coaches bring you new perspectives and the experience of other people. You are never too good to learn more"

"The key to becoming better is accepting that you've been doing it the wrong way. This helps you turn to do it the right way"


MONEY-Master the game: Tony Robbins

"Financial security isn't about being rich; it's about controlling your money"

"There is no shame in discussing money; you're only opening yourself to more opportunities"

"Money is a good servant but it can be a dangerous master" (Sir Francis Bacon)

"When you invest, you're allocating money to a venture to get a profit after a specific amount of time"

"Time is an essential part of investing. If you are not patient, you risk falling for scams"

"For your investments to be successful, you must also have the right mindset and foster a strong belief in your future success"

"Learn the rules of the game you're playing, and then make sure you play better than anyone else" (Albert Einstein)

"If an investment seems to good to be true, it is most likely too good to be true. Avoid it!"

"Identify a realistic amount you need to be financially secure and work towards it"



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The Headway app is the ultimate tool for busy individuals who want to learn, grow, and improve their lives. Offering concise 15-minute summaries of the world’s most impactful books, Headway makes it easy to gain valuable knowledge on topics like self-improvement, productivity, relationships, and success. With audio and text options, you can learn on the go—whether you’re commuting, exercising, or taking a break. Designed to fit seamlessly into your daily routine, Headway empowers you to build better habits, overcome challenges, and unlock your full potential—all in a fraction of the time.

Chop Wood, Carry Water: Joshua Medcalf

"The process of greatness begins with the dream to be remarkable"

"To maximise your time doing the ordinary, you must identify what wood or water you need to carry"

"The only thing that is truly significant about today, or any other day, is who you become in the process"

"A value system will remind you how strong you are regardless of how often you fail"

"Your identity should not depend on anybody's expectations of you; it must reflect your personal choices and decisions"

"The scorecard society judges us by is tragically flawed, and pursuing it will leave you completely unfulfilled"

"Being true to yourself makes persistence and focus work for you"

"When talent is unrefined, hard work will overtake it every time"

"Your actions, not your location, determine the results you get"

"There are no good times without bad times"


The 48 Laws of Power: Robert Greene, BA

"Power isn't natural. It is a social game that requires studying people's motives"

"Lord, protect me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies"

"Rambling on makes you seem insecure and ups your chances of saying something foolish. Saying less appears more mysterious and powerful"

"Your arguments might be well-crafted and believable, but actions always carry much more power"

"When your enemies think they won, you can act and come out on top, it is the essence of the surrender tactic"

"When your plan is clear and detailed, unexpected turns won't distract you from reaching your goal"

"Disregard unattainable things, and you will be free to work towards your real goals"

"While learning about another person's experience is worthwhile, never try to copy them. The original is cherished more than it's copy"

"Only the gods and the dead can seem perfect with impunity"


How To Stop Worrying And Start Living: Dale Carnegie

"Today, we're more connected than ever before, but we're more stressed than we've ever been"

"When you focus on the tasks you have now, you can do better and prevent further anxiety"

"The worst case scenario in life is very rarely ever to happen. However, understanding how to overcome it helps you feel more confident"

"Businessmen who do not know how to fight worry die young" (Dr. Alexis Carrel)

"being strategic in your thinking helps you to overcome any eventuality. Knowing that you can handle whatever comes your way gives you confidence and power"

"Stay busy, keep making plans and follow them through, and you won't have space in your brain for worries"

"Most of the things we worry about are extremely unlikely ever to happen"

"If something adverse happens, the human ability to adapt and survive is terrific"

"One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon - instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today" (Dale Carnegie)

"Remember that nobody can upset you or disturb your time unless you allow them to do so"

"Nobody kicks a dead dog" (Dale Carnegie)

"Remember that nobody will help you when you don't feel motivated"

"Have a daily check in with yourself. Ask how you're feeling, Scan your mind and body for tiredness, and be kinder to yourself"

"Focusing on the things you enjoy is essential for reducing overwhelming thoughts"

"Insomnia and general sleep problems can be worsened by worrying about the fact you're not sleeping"


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